The game went on, the girls asked questions and the boys answered. Fate of everyone on the spinning bottle, whoever the bottle stops on has to ask the person sitting opposite them any question that pops up in their mind first.

For the past one hour, I prayed silently that the bottle would not land on me, my crush was sitting opposite me, I wasn’t ready to embarrass myself as he was in a relationship with Mercy, the biggest girl in the set, I had no chance with her.

“Kiss me or not?” Lara asked, it was her turn.

I could sense her nervousness, the sweat forming on her head as she dreaded the answer of whom her heart had fallen for three years before now but who never gave her the attention and love she craved for.

“Yikes. Never, kiss you not.” He said.

I saw her bend her head in shame as the whole class laughed at her, crushing any hope she still had despite his answer.

“Ayobami, your turn to ask.” I heard someone call my name, I looked down to see the bottle facing me.

Oh no! This is the end.

“You have to ask, you’re wasting time.” Mercy’s high pitched voice added to my tension, it was her boyfriend after all.

His face held no emotion which caused more fear for me, I could not decide what to ask, the same burning question I’ve had for 6 months now or something else. I couldn’t tell.

“Uhm…” I started.

“You’re wasting time.” I heard another boy’s voice.

“Love me or not?” I asked with every last bit of courage in me, ready for the worst reply that he would give.

I took a glance at Mercy, her burning eyes were on me, digging deep into my soul, ready to slay me if her boyfriend didn’t give me the answer she had in mind.

“I thought you would never ask.” He finally spoke.

“I am in love with you, Ayobami Bolade.”

I didn’t know why fear gripped me, was it his answer? Or what the reaction of mercy would be? Or the fact that he knew my second name? This would definitely be a long game.


Instagram: _naa_mah

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