Wedding Stories

  • Charles and Cynthia; Wedding Bells Lol! Cynthia and I met at a wedding. She was on the bridal train and I was one of the groomsmen. It’s funny how I almost didn’t attend this wedding but clearly everything happens for a reason. Cynthia caught my......

  • If only wishes can come true, I have one or two or maybe a few, And they’re all about you We took a twisted road, Started a rebellious journey, To get to a place called love They say true love doesn’t quit They say it never dies But ask......

  • LOVE ME OR NOT? The game went on, the girls asked questions and the boys answered. Fate of everyone on the spinning bottle, whoever the bottle stops on has to ask the person sitting opposite them any question that pops up in their mind first.......

  • According to popular view, a woman begins planning her wedding at age thirteen, some women even start saving money awaiting their big day but that wasn’t the case for me. At age thirteen I was occupied with helping my sister take care of our mother......

  • What’s your love language? Sitting by the beach holding hands as we talk about our dreams Dancing to our favourite songs as I marvel at your body movements  Watching you laugh at my weirdest tales Scrubbing your back as the shower engulfs our silence Whispering into your ear sweet desires of being with you......